Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My date with Marcos

(Not the best picture in the world but the only one I got from our night out together!)

Monday started off to be a very bad day. Isaiah was following me around with his blue blanket wanting to nurse all morning, I was trying to get everyone ready to take Marcos to school, and I was overly exhausted from the sleepless night we had. ( I think Isaiah's I-teeth better pop through soon, or I will scream!) I have been trying to ween Isaiah again, but he really likes to nurse! The doctor says that he isn't gaining much weight, so I am trying everything I can. My thinking is no milk= eating more solids!

So, Mando was off and decided he was going to take Isaiah somewhere (Riverside) for the day, and that left Marc at school, and me home alone....I do not know how to do alone! I grew up around massive amounts of noise and chaos, what was I suppose to do all alone!? I hadn't been away from Isaiah EVER!!! So this was hard for me. I cleaned up the house and cried alittle bit, and then cried a little more. Really dumb once I started thinking about what a good bonding moment it was going to be for him and Mando. He was going to play with the dogs and see his Nana and Papa, so why was I crying? (It helped me stop crying!) So, I thought this was a great opportunity to take Marcos to Disneyland just him and I, and we can go on all the rides we want as fast as we want, we don't have to wait on anyone, or switch riders. So, I picked him up at school and told him what we were going to do. His reply.... Awhhh, Disneyland again!? I told him this time it was our special date without Isaiah or Dad. He said... Does that mean we don't have to bring the stroller!? Me: Nope, no stroller. Marc: Yes that is so awesome.

( I guess he doesn't like the tram line for strollers!)

We rode soooo many rides, the longest wait was 15 minutes, and we had a blast. On the way home, we decided to go too dinner. I really wanted Marie Calendar's salad bar and soup! So we went there. Marcos just kept saying that this was the most awesomest day ever! It made me feel so good! I loved spending that time with him. I haven't been able too do that since before Isaiah was born. I need to do it more often. I love the time that I get with Isaiah when Marcos is at school as well, and we can just play, go for walks and take naps together! My kids are my heart, and I love them more then anything!


Carol Swift said...

What a great memory for your son! You were such a sweet mom to do that with him.

I know what you mean about alone time--I whine because I want some and then I don't know what to do with myself when I get some.

Brooke said...

That's so awesome you got to spend some one on one time with Marcos. I need to do more stuff like that so I can spend some quality time with each of them...awesome of you to take advantage of that time you had with him to make the most of it.

Good luck with the weening thing! That's hard.

Kris said...

aww... you're such a cute mommy. and holy crap a day at disneyland? my kids would be freakin out. and to live that close to where all the magic begins... you are one cool mom!

ahh weening. i never enjoyed that. i'm doing the toilet training right now. girls really are easier than boys. who'd a thought.