Saturday, February 28, 2009


Marcos was picked to bring Fluffy home this day. He is the class bear that loves to read, do homework, and play games with you! (Shocking how much you can get them to do with this magical bear!) We took him out to the park and Marcos and his friend Jasmine played with him.
Jasimine mom met us at the park behind our apartment.
On our way back through the apartment complex Marcos and Jasmine decided to run ahead of us and hide! We got to the end where we thought they would be and they were no where in sight! I freaked! I whistled and called his name... nothing. Jasimine's mom called...nothing! I looked everywhere. I ran back to the park, I ran to my house I looked in the bushes, Jasimine's mom went to her house.. 5 or 10 minutes passed and still nothing. I called Mando because now I am losing it. My heart was racing out of my chest and I was scared. Marcos never hides this long, and always comes to my secret whistle. Mando works on site, so he hopped on the golf cart and went cruising around looking for the two runnaways! (Keep in mind they are both wearing brown!) They were hiding in the bushes right where we were. Quiet like a mouse and still as a statue! The only reason they were found was because they came out to switch hiding places! They went so far back into the bushes that their brown clothes made them blend in!
One of the scariest days of my life!


Carol Swift said...

Oh my gosh! That would have scared me to death, too! Silly kids.

Kathleen Mecham said...

Ok, when you first look at the picture, Marcos' jacket makes it looks like he has huge monkey ears.
You only get worried like that with the first kid, by the time the fourth one rolls around, you hardly even notice they are missing.

mindyandfamily said...

this story reminds me of the movie Pocahontas! That boy is so crazy!!!!

Tiffany Nicole Asher said...

oh hell! did he get in trouble?